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Diaper Alliance Foundation
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Fétichisme des couches et actualités pour adultes

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à propos de The diapered punk : 
really nice =) ! thank you
à propos de Nappies at St. Clares : 
Really Nice story.
à propos de The “Naked” BabyGirl : 
i had fun jacki.g off to it
à propos de Rachelle : 
nice story, i WANT to know what's next !
à propos de The diapered punk : 
OMG I love this story soo much! x x x
Stories about ABDL, diapers and everything related...
148 documents
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This is a story about a mother's unusual bond with her teenage son and his bed wetting problem.
Tags :  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Familial ,  Uro ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Initiation ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Enfance ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 11 ans  3  10 3168 vues
I have submitted a story of how I got into diapers.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Familial ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Autobiographie
Il y a 11 ans 421 vues
Taken from the book "Rock-a-Bye BabyGirls: The Stories of Time", here is a story about the power of firsts and how time is spent getting where we’re headed.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Platonique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Initiation ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 11 ans 692 vues
Taken from "10 Things To Do With Your BabyGirl On A Monday Night", here is a story about getting out of someone what you put into them. "Fantasy" Football will never have the same meaning as this BabyGirl and her Daddy spend a simple Monday Night in their living room with a list of ten fantasies to complete.
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Porno ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 11 ans 599 vues
A BabyGirl takes a hike in the woods with her Daddy and finds the breath-taking destination at the end of her journey. In every girl’s soul, there is a nurturing feeling to throw her arms around the world and share the love she feels in her heart. In every BabyGirl’s soul, there is the hope and prayer that she will find that one Daddy in this great Big world who will break down her walls and hold her in his arms - as she has done for so many others. What would happen if she suddenly realized that all she needed to do to feel that embrace was to take a single step forward and never look back again? Taken from "The Mia Series: Book Six", here is a story about finding the destination at the end of the journey.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Platonique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Régression (AB) ,  Initiation ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 11 ans 591 vues
What happens when sissy Charlotte visits the well-endowed Nanny Betty and Aunty Amy? What buzzes between sissy's thick diapered, stockinged legs? UPDATED WITH CHAPTER 2
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Plastique ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Autobiographie
Il y a 11 ans  4  16 3384 vues
After wetting herself on the bus home, Isabel is put into diapers. She begins to like it, and during her time finds friends that share her passion. UPDATED WITH CHAPTER 9
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Familial ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 12 ans  9  80 22783 vues
Remembering my first diaper experiences in my childhood and getting my wife to accept them. Updated with Chapter 8
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Autobiographie
Il y a 12 ans  7  23 5997 vues
The LockOut NON LU
Here is a story about how easy it is to get "lost" as a BabyGirl. But what makes it worthwhile is what you find along the way. You just have to take a risk sometimes. Taken from the book "Sticky Situations 3", here is a story about how easy it is to get lost. But what makes it worthwhile is what you find along the way. You just have to take a risk sometimes.
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 12 ans  2  7 1287 vues
A true story of nappies and plastic pants. Original Author: ©1999 "smelly baby"
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Récit (long) ,  Hétéro ,  Familial ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 12 ans  9 2204 vues

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