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Diaper Alliance Foundation
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Fétichisme des couches et actualités pour adultes

353 connectés

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à propos de Yuki - The New Nurse : 
Very nice story. If I had to nit-pick, I would say there are a few typos here and there, i[...]
à propos de Rachelle : 
This is a well written story, and I'd love to see where it goes from here on out. Than[...]
à propos de Master of the Universe : 
Great story. I would love to see where things go from the doctors office. Could be interes[...]
à propos de Wringer... at March 2009 : 
Very nice and true story !When reading it, I have the illusion that it was mine story...Br[...]
à propos de The LockOut : 
Beautiful storytelling. Awesome!
Stories about ABDL, diapers and everything related...
148 documents
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Frat Days NON LU
Revenge is a dish best served diapered.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Régression (AB) ,  Initiation
Il y a 13 ans  8 1347 vues
This is a story about an AB being caught out when chancing wearing a nappy while shopping, but the result could not have been more pleasureable.
Tags :  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 13 ans  4  8 2563 vues
Pregnant woman has a mishapp in her diapers on thetrain home, but all ends well...
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 15 ans  4  8 5328 vues
This is a story of Elisa's regression
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fiction
Il y a 3 ans  7 1336 vues
Aaaaah, the French! The French ladies were the most pleasant to travel with. The smell of manure and rubber panties in the streets of Paris.
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Erotique ,  Lesbiennes ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Plastique ,  Latex ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fantasy
Il y a 6 ans  7 1024 vues
Adam and Wendy have been married for over two years and are talking about starting a family when Wendy discoves some of Adam's deepest secrets.
Tags :  Revue ,  Récit (long) ,  Porno ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Régression (AB) ,  Plastique ,  Enfance ,  Fantasy
Il y a 7 ans  1  7 1637 vues
Joanne is a Youtuber, who's been having trouble with bedwetting due to stressful events. To earn extra cash she agrees to take part of a bedwetting product study via video. Until her mother uploads the wrong video to her Youtube channel...
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Platonique ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 7 ans  2  7 1516 vues
Read how Selena Gomez becomes a baby girl!
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Initiation ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 10 ans  1  7 2156 vues
The LockOut NON LU
Here is a story about how easy it is to get "lost" as a BabyGirl. But what makes it worthwhile is what you find along the way. You just have to take a risk sometimes. Taken from the book "Sticky Situations 3", here is a story about how easy it is to get lost. But what makes it worthwhile is what you find along the way. You just have to take a risk sometimes.
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 12 ans  2  7 1287 vues
Here is a story about how patience and pressure can warm even the coldest of souls. All it takes is love. Taken from "Gratification Six: Mind Games & Melt Downs", here is a story about how patience and pressure can warm even the coldest of souls. All it takes is love.
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Platonique ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Initiation ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Enfance ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 12 ans  1  7 1009 vues

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