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For more information about diapers fetish, please visit the site Diaper Alliance Foundation:
Diaper Alliance Foundation
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Fétichisme des couches et actualités pour adultes

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à propos de Flooded : 
A wonderfully erotic story well told that had my cock hard not long after the opening chap[...]
à propos de A Holy, Wet Sunday : 
a really nice story !
à propos de Real Life DL : 
very nice and fun to jackoff to i shot a big load of cum in my diaper
à propos de Emma's First Day at Work : 
Great story PLEASE do more thankyou.
à propos de Ilsa's Summer : 
Great story!
Stories about ABDL, diapers and everything related...
148 documents
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Lance comes home from his first year of college in time for his sister's high school graduation and discovers things about his family that he had never known before.
Tags :  Extrême (avertissement) ,  Récit (long) ,  Porno ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Familial ,  Uro ,  Régression (AB) ,  Plastique ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 9 ans  5  31 3252 vues
The author finds a summer job in a class with kids in toilet training. However the same rules for the kids are also applied to him, and after a few accidents, he also has to wear diapers.
Tags :  Fiction ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Enfance ,  Histoire complète ,  Uro
Il y a 14 ans  6  30 7263 vues
James wants to be a baby again. For his 18th birthday, his girlfriend Kim and his mommy have a surprise for him.
Tags :  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Familial ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 10 ans  6  27 5009 vues
Three girls visit a Nursery where they can act out their wishes and desires: wetting and messing their underwear whenever they want! Unfortunately, Chapter 3 is missing.
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Plastique ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 12 ans  4  26 3314 vues
After moving to his own flat, David can finally fulfill his desire to wear nappies and plastic pants. When the homeowner's daughter visits him with her roommate, his wildest dreams become true.
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Porno ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Plastique ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 13 ans  6  26 3329 vues
Shana goes on a school exchange to Japan for a year and lives with her Japanese guest mom and her 18 year old daughter. The girls are diapered 24/7 and become lovers.
Tags :  Erotique ,  Lesbiennes ,  Familial ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Plastique ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 11 ans  1  25 2971 vues
The story of a sassy punk girl, wearing ridiculously thick diapers, and enjoying herself getting on my nerves.
Tags :  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Récit (long) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 13 ans  8  24 4833 vues
Yuki has just joined the nursing team at the hospital and wants to fit in - it is a challenge.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Lesbiennes ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fiction
Il y a 13 ans  5  24 4630 vues
Remembering my first diaper experiences in my childhood and getting my wife to accept them. Updated with Chapter 8
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Autobiographie
Il y a 12 ans  7  23 5997 vues
A young teenager is new at Etherington private school, the first night she learns that there are some rules : no washroom for everyone and you must wear diapers if you go out.
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Erotique ,  Lesbiennes ,  Familial ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Scato
Il y a 13 ans  6  23 4348 vues

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