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For more information about diapers fetish, please visit the site Diaper Alliance Foundation:
Diaper Alliance Foundation
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Fétichisme des couches et actualités pour adultes

329 connectés

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à propos de A Holy, Wet Sunday : 
I thoroughly enjoyed this very good story.
à propos de The “Naked” BabyGirl : 
really cute story, too bad it's short
à propos de Master of the Universe : 
Love it. Please continue.
à propos de The diapered punk : 
I don´t like PUNKS, but this is a very good story ! ;-))Looking for part 2...Regards from[...]
à propos de Plastic Pants Baby : 
You're welcome, it's one of my favs.Thanks to LGI for putting this story together [...]
Stories about ABDL, diapers and everything related...
148 documents
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After wetting herself on the bus home, Isabel is put into diapers. She begins to like it, and during her time finds friends that share her passion. UPDATED WITH CHAPTER 9
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Familial ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 12 ans  9  80 22783 vues
A shy 22 year old girl embarks on her first ever day at work. But rather than being promoted to the boardroom, she soon finds herself in the nursery. (Updated with final Part 3)
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Lesbiennes ,  Hétéro ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Initiation ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 10 ans  8  54 7685 vues
Flooded NON LU
Because a storm flooded his home, Peter is offered to stay in Ms. Kathleen's home. She regresses Peter to a small sissy girl, that needs diapers.
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Fiction
Il y a 15 ans  12  50 10574 vues
Waiting for his art class to begin, a guy finds a 19 year old girl fingerpainting together with kids in a daycare. Skipping his class, he decides to accompany her on the way home.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Hétéro ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL)
Il y a 13 ans  7  43 4535 vues
Two sisters find themselves caught in a sudden tropical storm. They find shelter in an unlikely place.
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Lesbiennes ,  Familial ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 12 ans  8  42 5307 vues
A mother takes care of her daughters and their friend. They visit a theme park heavily diapered, and go shopping.
Tags :  Platonique ,  Lesbiennes ,  Familial ,  Plastique ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 13 ans  12  41 12090 vues
Stacey wets her last diaper and decides to buy new ones while diapered. When she messed herself in the store, a woman changes her.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Lesbiennes ,  Scato ,  Fétichisme (DL)
Il y a 14 ans  8  37 7194 vues
This story is based on true events which happend to my kid brother and sister. I hope you enjoy the story, have fun :) love and greetings, Monica
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Hétéro ,  Familial ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Enfance ,  Fiction
Il y a 13 ans  3  34 3480 vues

A guy learns about his love for plastic from a woman, who shows him how nice it is to be a girl in plastic pants and who can take him back to the age he longs to be.
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Gays ,  Plastique ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 12 ans  6  33 3678 vues
Wringer shares his own biography and explains how he came to diapers...
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Hétéro ,  Plastique ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Autobiographie
Il y a 15 ans  26  33 7623 vues

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