Avertissement : Le contenu du site ABKingdom est réservé aux adultes.
ABKingdom est un site communautaire dédié aux adeptes des couches. Bien qu'il ne soit pas réellement un site pornographique, le contenu peut être choquant ou mal compris par certaines personnes, vous devez donc avoir 18 ans ou plus pour pouvoir le consulter.
En acceptant d'entrer sur ce site, vous confirmez avoir lu et compris cet avertissement, ainsi qu'avoir l'âge minimum requis.
For more information about diapers fetish, please visit the site Diaper Alliance Foundation:
The Term 'Littles' is used collectively to define Adult (18+) Age Players who act under the age of twenty (i.e. ABs, AToddlers, Kidz/Adult Kids, Adult Teens (younger and older teens) some-of-whom wear diapers. Its a much Broader, more important category than "ABs". We also recognize "Bigs" as much needed "care givers" for Littles (Most ABs yearn for a Mommy, Daddy or similar) and, although not all Bigs like diapers, some DLs are not into the baby stuff so they fall into this category quite the same. Most of us here understand, though, that a majority of DLs happen to have either other childish paraphilias or Age Play desires so they fit right in, in this context. AB/DLs are thiose ABs (Any age player reallly) that are also into diapers. Hence, the term "Littles" is a more modern, enlightened term to cover a much broader family of like-minded people. For some this is hightly sexual, for some this is non-sexual, and for others its a mixture of both depending on the scene or context. Many of these mixed types prefer to be called "Switches" or in more enlightened terms "Reciprocators" - i.e. a switch is someone who actually reciprocates in a Dominant/Submissive mixture.
Call it what you will, the term "Littles" is a modern, Friendly term useful in involving the whole Spectrum or family of like-minded people. I can tell you it works in the USA, because we (NJL) has perhaps had more success - in less time - as a real time social network than most AB/DL or Diaper or AB social groups in the world, to date. This is a big claim but I have to say its likely true. We own this part of our success to the structural guidelines provided for on www.LittlesMunch.com, as administered over by "The Ghidrah" - go to the above site for more information.
To all the wonderful people suporting, running and/or participating in Littles Munches I give my most heartfelt thanks.
To all on ABKingdom is say "Now is our time and our opportunity to learn from each other and grow together in a worldwide community - made up of local communitys - in order to help each other find our ways towards happy, special (we are special) and more fulfilling lives." Please do your part!