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For more information about diapers fetish, please visit the site Diaper Alliance Foundation:
Diaper Alliance Foundation
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Plastic Babe (LGI)
Nappy School (LGI)
ABHunnies (LGI)
Plastic Mommy (LGI)
5 étoiles 1 27
Ajouté il y a 16 ans
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 Albums photos Albums photos
 Films Films

Tags :
nursing,  plastic


"Sexy babysitters and nurses dressed in plastic and rubber clothes, spanking, breastfeeding and giving special treatments to diapered males. Pampering, feeding and nurturing baby! Now with videos."


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il y a 14 ans
This is an amazing site!!! The photo series are so imaginative and so accurate for those of us with a plastic pants fetish.......

If these people did a video clip store of these photo shoots they would make a fortune.... Why don't they? My God - I would most certainly subscribe.......

Does anyone know how to get in touch with them so that it can be suggested?
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