Disclaimer: The content of ABKingdom site is for adults.
ABKingdom is a community site dedicated to diapers fans. Although it is not really a porn site, the content may be offensive or misunderstood by some people, so you must be 18 years or older to view it.
By agreeing to enter this site, you confirm having read and understood this warning, as well as being minimum age.
For more information about diapers fetish, please visit the site Diaper Alliance Foundation:
To protect minors, this site uses the RTA protection system. ICRA has ended and is not supported anymore.
You can enable parental control on your side to avoid your kids to visit this website.
L'urine est un irritant pour la peau. Elle provoque rapidement des lésions qui atteignent les tissus sous-jacents et qui peuvent notamment se traduire pa[...]
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Pour tout ce qui touche à votre santé, les complications, ce qu'il vaut mieux éviter de faire avec ses couches, l'incontinence...